
Thursday 31 January 2013


How to become eyebrow Shaping
eyes beauty
The shape of your eyebrows can drastically affect your appearance. Eyebrows can add instant drama to the eyes; the proper shape can even provide an instant eye lift, while poorly shaped brows can darken and obscure your eyes.
The best shape of your eyebrows is one that will not sacrifice their natural appearance.
face beauty

                                                                                                                                                         Pencil-thin eyebrows or an overly bushy eyebrow are dated looks that can be distracting rather then enhancing. Eyebrows are part of the entire face and need to work in concert with your other features such as your nose, lips, cheekbones and hairline.                                                                                 

Tuesday 29 January 2013



                                  Use of black liner

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                                   How to apply eye liner (Clip)

Monday 28 January 2013




Cleansing is a vital step in your skin care regime. Proper cleansing with products specific for your skin type will improve your overall appearance. Daily cleansing is important to remove dirt and bacteria, sweat, air pollution, excess oils and in addition cleansing exfoliates the skin surface to promote circulation.

Proper cleansing starts with clean hands. This prevents the transfer of bacteria to your face. Apply your cleansing cream at the forehead and then sweep the cleanser over the face, lips, and neck. Massage the cleanser into your skin in a gentle circular motion. Eye make up can be removed with specially formulated eye creams, as some facial cleansers are not suited to be applied to the eye area. Thoroughly rinse your face with cool or tepid water (not to hot or to cold). Extreme hot or cold water can cause flushing and break sensitive capillaries in the skin. Hot water will open the pores and expose these pores to environmental pollution and dirt.

The best cleanser is those that clean the skin without stripping them of the natural fatty oils that protect and waterproof the skin. Removing excess oils in the skin can be accomplished without harsh soaps and strong cleansing creams that dry out the skin. This drying affect leaves the skin exposed to bacteria, cellular damage, and prone to fine lines and wrinkles due to lack of moisture

            Face cleansing 

             Below are easy recipes for various skin types:

Normal Skin
No matter what skin type, choose mild liquid or soap gels for cleansing your face. Soaps made for bath, body and hands tend to be drying no matter what skin type and should be avoided on the face and neck. When buying store bought cleansing creams look for avocado, coconut, or wheat germ. These natural ingredients are suitable for normal skin types. In addition, below is a facial cleanser for normal skin types:

Gentle Facial Cleanser

1/2 cup oatmeal or cornmeal
plain yogurt (add enough yogurt to form a paste)
Mix ingredients to form a paste. With your fingertips and in an upward circular motion, gently massage the paste into your skin. Rinse with warm water and then apply a toner and moisturizer.

Dry skin
First, stay away from hot water when cleansing the face and neck. The hot water opens the pores and extracts the natural moisture quickly. Your cleansing creams should contain non-detergent ingredients that will rinse off easily. When selecting your cleansing cream look for products that contain natural ingredients such as almond, olive or jojoba oils. Below is an easy cleansing recipe for dry skin types:

Honey Cleanser (For Dry Skin)
*Castile soap
1 Teaspoon Honey

Wet face. Pour a little castile soap into the palm of your hand, add honey. Mix honey and soap into a lather, wash face.

*Castile soap is made from vegetable oil as opposed to animal fat like other soaps. Oils used in castile soap include olive, coconut, almond, hemp, and jojoba

Oily skin
Avoid wax-based cleansers, as they are prone to clog pores. An easy recipe for oily skin is as follows:

3 tablespoons oatmeal
2 teaspoons witch hazel
a few drops of water

Dampen oatmeal with few drops of water then add the witch hazel. Apply to your face with an upward and outward circular motion. Rinse with lots of warm water. This recipe is good for all kinds of skin. If you have dry skin add a little oil such as olive oil.

Combination skin
Use a foaming face wash in the morning to keep oily areas at bay. Your evening skin care regime you should use a cream cleanser to soothe the dry areas. The oatmeal recipe above is suited for all skin types and would be useful for combination skin types.
Sensitive skin
Cleanse with gentle, milky, water-soluble lotions and tepid water. Avoid gels or soaps that contain drying alcohol, preservatives, or strong-acting acids. Avoid exfoliating scrubs or astringents, which can cause inflammation.

1 cup dried chamomile
4 tablespoons honey
1 cup milk
8 teaspoons wheat germ

Steep chamomile in milk for a few hours. Strain, keeping liquid. Add honey and wheat germ to liquid mixture. Blend well. Place in a bottle. Refrigerate any used portions. Keeps up to a week.

The ingredients in this recipe add a variety of benefits to your skin. The Chamomile is one of the most used herbs in the cosmetic industry. It is used in soaps and cleansing creams to soothe and soften the skin. The milk a natural alpha hydroxyl acid that helps the skin exfoliates and removes dead skin cells off the surface of the skin. It is very hydrating and soothing to the complexion. The wheat germ contains vitamin E and B, which makes this ingredient nourishing and very soothing. In addition, the granular texture gently sloughs off dead skin cells, which makes it a perfect ingredient for sensitive skin.

Sunday 27 January 2013



Facials according to your skin type

What's your type?
Normal to dry skin
For a woman with a normal skin type, a facial massage is provided by using nourishing creams. Moisturizers are also used. Hussain suggests, "If you have normal or dry skin, ideally opt for the classic facial or a plant stem facial
Classic facial: The classic salon facial includes cleansing, toning and massage (done manually or with the help of gadgets), mask and protection coverage. All the areas of the face and the neck are treated according to specific needs. This facial is done following a specific direction and movement of the fingers. Different strokes and pressures are applied to various areas.
Duration: 1 hour

Plant stem cell facial: This facial helps rejuvenate the skin and makes it look younger. The plant cells are introduced into the skin through external cosmetic care. They help the skin at the cellular level and activate the process of repair and replacement of dead and damaged skin cells. The facial stimulates the cellular regeneration process in the skin, reducing the signs of ageing. This facial comprises an exfoliate, cream, mask, serum and an under-eye gel.
Duration: 1 hour

Normal to oily skin
"For those with oily skin, a facial massage with creams or moisturizers is not advised," says Husain. The facial treatment for oily skin includes deep cleansing with exfoliation, toning, mask and protection. The masks and other procedures help remove excess oils, shrink the pores and make the skin soft and translucent.

Pearl facial: This facial is ideal for those with an oily skin. It helps remove tan and brightens the skin. Deep cleansing is done next, to refine the skin. This is followed by a light facial massage with pearl cream and application of a pearl mask. It helps retain moisture and revitalizes the skin. This facial ensures natural lightening of the skin, giving fair and radiant skin with an even color tone.
Duration: 1 hour

Silver facial: This facial is done to detoxify and purify your skin. The silver facial consists of a glow scrub, gel, cream and pack that offers dull skin an instant lift. This facial not only restores the natural pH balance of your skin, but also clears the pores and deep cleans to prevent the formation of blackheads. Dr Shobha Sehgal, beauty head, says, "The silver facial revives your skin by giving it the right amount of moisture, and evens out your tone, leaving your skin evidently supple and charming."
Duration: 40 minutes to 1 hour


Combination skin
Combination skin needs to be treated carefully, since the face has both dry and oily tissues. After cleansing, the dry area of the skin is massaged and the face is toned with a cold compress, using a rose-based skin tonic.

Platinum facial: The platinum facial is said to recharge and energize your skin. It influences the skin at the cellular level and helps to ensure the strength of its supportive tissues. It maintains the desired moisture level. It has powerful anti-oxidant effects which protect the skin's youthful properties and impart radiance.
Duration: 45 minutes to 1 hour

Gem therapy: Gemstone facial therapy utilizes the natural energy of gemstones and helps correct physical, mental and spiritual imbalances. This facial is based on the properties of different types of gems. These stones work as a detoxification and exfoliating aid and slow down the ageing process. The key ingredients contain ash from gems like emerald, ruby and sapphire. The facial restores the ideal skin balance, keeps the skin free from blemishes and helps in the process of cell renewal. The gemstone is ground to a micro-fine powder and applied using vitamin-rich oils and aromatherapy essences that relax the body, and improve skin tone and texture.
Duration: 1 hour



Facial for glowing Face

 Tips for A Healthy & Glowing Face

Never take your skin for decided. Every one of us should take care of at least basic needs of skin. Skin should be kept clean & protected from sunlight. Since, the skin of the face needs even more care than the rest of the body, it is important to give extra attention to it. Believe it or not, giving only 5 to 15 minutes a day to your face can help enhance your overall personality!

The face has more oil glands, especially the central forehead, nearby to eye areas, nose & chin. For a flawless & glowing facial skin, one should perform a brief morning routine & a longer regimen before going to bed. Follow following morning & evening facial care treatment for better results:

Morning Facial Care:
Step 1 - Clean your face with Luke-warm water, every morning. Avoid bar soap. Instead use a creamy cleanser or purifying gel wash.

Step 2 - Blot gently with a towel to dry the skin. Do not rub.

Step 3 - To restore the natural pH level of the skin, you should tone the skin on the face. Toning makes your skin clean, clear & ready to be hydrated. Remember, toning also helps remove any residual cleanser or make-up that may have been left behind.

Step 4 - Apply a moisturizer which suits to your skin type. A moisturizer helps smooth away fine lines & dryness leaving your skin feeling softer & smoother. Now, you can apply a sunscreen on top of the moisturizer.

Step 5 - You are now ready to wear your makeup. Match foundation with your skin tone & ensure it looks natural.

More Tips for Facial Care:
1- Drink lots of water.
2- Wash your face at least twice a day.
3- Don't smoke.
4- Consume alcoholic beverages in moderation.
5- Do facial exercises & get facials.
6- Eat plenty of fruits & vegetables.
7- Steam yourself. It's not only good for the skin but also reduces stress.
8- Never scrub your skin. Gently massage it.
9- Take adequate sleep.
10- Exercise